2006 Holiday Letter

Merry Christmas from Fred and Carolyn! 2006 has been quite a year – the first full year of our second childhood. When we started this step off a cliff, we were afraid by now that we’d have spent our entire bankroll and found ourselves back at the high-tech grindstone. We’re happy to report that we still plan to take time for our exploits and quieter pleasures.

We’re spending Christmas with Carolyn’s family in Northern California. As of Christmas Eve, we are huddled around the fireplace, with just about a laptop computer per person. Brother-in-law, Troy wins at poker online, Fred’s catching up with YouTube, aunt Jackie is looking for software updates. 94-year old Dad is napping. Our collective four dogs have had their afternoon walk and are cajoling sister Margaret for snacks while she readies the lamb roast.

Tomorrow, we’ll actually join some family members under the age of 30. The next generation can truly be known as slackers when it comes to reproducing. But I’m not complaining, although young kids are awfully fun at Christmas time. Niece Anne is with her dad this year, but we’ll see Nettie and Russell, sister Judy’s kids. Aunt Petey will host Christmas day festivities again at her home in San Francisco.

While Thanksgiving was a month ago, I like to reflect also at Christmas time on how blessed we are – to have health and friends and family. That is wealth beyond any other. Fred and I now have time to enjoy life and explore new things and meet new friends. We don’t spend enough time sharing our reflections with others, but we enjoy our time and recommend to everyone that they take time – even a day or a week or three weeks – to take a break from whatever consumes them, either from passion or commitment or just habit. Getting a fresh perspective is really, really, yes really important.

Thank you to all of our new and old friends for making 2006 a wonderful year. We are gazing forward to 2007 with great hopes for an even better year.


Carolyn & Fred