Postcard from Bentley

Editor’s note: Kirsten M. pointed out that Bentley is not very well represented in our blog. So this chapter is about his adventures. Since Bentley’s not always able to express himself, this will be a ghostwriter’s guess at his impressions.

Woof! I’m Bentley! Rrrr!

We are driving and driving and driving all over the place. It’s hot. I get to meet lots of annimalls. Burrrros. Girl dogs. Boy dogs. Dogs like me. Little dogs that bark at me. I met a nice grrray horse who walked over to me to sniff my nose. He was nice! My favorite are the chickens! They run when I chase them. Mom and Dad get mad.

Bentley at Mazatlan I thought I liked catz. I met one in Barrrra. He was nice and I wanted to play. In this town, (Samara, ed.) they know I am on a leash and they sit just out of my rrreach. I hate theze catz. I do like the beach. See me here in Mazatlan?

Now I get to meet Howler Monkeys! They roar and make me bark!

People are afraid of me a lot of times. They ask if I am ‘bravo’. I thought that I was being insulted – of course I am brave! But they really mean ‘vicious’ and I am NOT vicious! I am “muy amable!”

Bentley in Landcruiser See me in the car? I mostly sleep. I get to run on the beach. But I don’t like to get wet. I met a very nice girl rottie she would have shared her dead fish with me if Mom had let me!
And don’t forget my Dogster web page!!! It’s at